Mario Kart Wii

If anyone has ever played any iteration of the Mario Kart series, then you know that the CPU controlled competitors start getting extremely cheap near the end of races.

Mario Kart Wii is no different than previous releases in the series.  It introduces motorbikes as vehicles, with the 50cc races being confined to karts, 100cc confined to motorbikes, and 150cc offering a choice.  While I experienced the usual amount of cheapness during the kart races, that level of cheapness has skyrocketed exponentially during the motorbike races.  Blue shell, red shell, red shell, lightning bolt, squid ink, red shell, POW, blue shell is NOT A GOOD OR FUN COMBINATION.

-Because I said so

I'm the Ambassador of Kickyourassador. I am the Walrus. I'm on a highway to the Danger Zone. I am the Kwisatz Haderach. I do things with words that have a generally geeky gist.

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