One Hundred!

This is our 100th post on the World of Meh.  Our inaugural post was December 27th, 2008.  In less than three months, we’ve posted up 100 pointless articles about random crap that nobody cares about!  What a wonderful contribution to society we have provided!

Self-deprication aside, we’ve had a great deal of fun with the site so far, and we’re looking forward to a great deal of fun coming up in the future.  We started off strong, and after about a week and a half, fizzled out for almost two weeks.  In mid-January, though, we committed ourselves to the consistency of the blog, and made a promise to update at least once per day, every day.  Since then, we have not missed a single day’s post, and we plan on keeping it that way, dag nabbit.

Please keep coming back for our next 100, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, and the next 100 after that, etc.

-Because I said so

I'm the Ambassador of Kickyourassador. I am the Walrus. I'm on a highway to the Danger Zone. I am the Kwisatz Haderach. I do things with words that have a generally geeky gist.

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