Second Saw sets sights for sales in Soctober

Second Saw sets sights for sales in Soctober

Yes, I know Soctober isn’t a word. I know that. I just needed another S word for my joke. Anyways, Saw: Flesh & Blood is going to be released on October 19th.

Now there is something you need to understand about me. Saw is my current Halloween tradition. I’ve seen each one opening day in the theaters. Despite the somewhat dubious quality some of them have dipped to, I still do it. That being said, I am not a fan of the Saw video game. The combat was lame, the door traps got annoying and the main “boss” traps were too simplistic. Plus part of the fun of Saw is seeing bad people lose these traps while the game tasks you with disarming the traps.

So now we have the sequel being released this fall for the PS3 and Xbox 360. I am somewhat hesitant about this. Could they have learned their lessons from the first game? Lindsey did a brief writeup about it from this year’s E3, and it sounds alright. But how much of that is PR speak? I dunno, but like I said, I’m caught in this franchise’s death grip. I’ll probably be trying this at some point. I just hope [Insert joke here about how the first game can be equated to torture, followed by something about learning life lessons. This is all said in the scary Jigsaw voice.].

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