CES – Tesla Model S Powered by NVIDIA

CES – Tesla Model S Powered by NVIDIA

Since I saw the first prototype images for the Tesla Roadster, I knew that one day, I would drive a Tesla. While the Roadster remains well out of my price range, the upcoming Model S four-door sedan has been set at a more enticing price of just under $60,000. Now, I can’t afford this either…yet. But hey, a man can dream about more than simply large women, can’t he?

NVIDIA announced at CES that the Tesla Model S and a wide range of BMW vehicles, including the Mini Cooper brand, will have “infotainment” centerpieces powered by NVIDIA’s Tegra chip. Why am I focused solely on the Tesla vehicle and not the BMW vehicles, you ask? Besides the fact that the Tesla is an all-electric vehicle with incredibly acceleration, speed, and range, the Model S will have a 17″ touch-screen infotainment center.

If I were the type of man who suffered from mechanophilia, you can be damn sure that a centerfold of the Model S with a 17″ touch-screen infotainment center would be my guiltiest of pleasures.

Image taken from Engadget.

I'm the Ambassador of Kickyourassador. I am the Walrus. I'm on a highway to the Danger Zone. I am the Kwisatz Haderach. I do things with words that have a generally geeky gist.

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