Gears of War 3 Release Date Confirmed

Gears of War 3 Release Date Confirmed

Microsoft has confirmed the release date for the next installment of the Gears of War franchise. Excited? Good! You should be…

Don’t make any plans for September 20, you’ll be too busy playing Gears of War 3.

Originally, the shooter was scheduled for an April 2011 release, however, it was pushed back, which Executive Producer Rod Ferguson says was “a business decision” and not “a quality issue”, so expect a great game when it hits shelves.

So, are any of you loyal readers picking up this game?

On the outside, you might think Sam is rough and tough with her always-changing hair color and tattoos, but those closest to her will tell you she's actually a book worm, plant mom, avid backcountry hiker, and lover of all things Star Wars and video games!

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