Amazing April is going to be Spidey Month!

Amazing April is going to be Spidey Month!

As Stan Lee would say: Face front True Believers, because during this astonishingly amazing month of April, I’m going to dig through the history of Merry Marvel’s greatest and most beloved webspinner, the Spectacular and Sensational, the one and only, the Amazing Spider-Man!

Yes boys and girls, I’m doing another themed month (do not worry, there will never be a Jersey Shore month or anything like that). It’s mostly due to the fact that I’ve always got something to say about my favorite Marvel superhero, and taking a month to do so just seemed appropriate. And with things like Ends of the Earth and Spider-Men happening in the comic world, as well as the anticipation for the major feature film this summer, it seems like fate is helping me out for material to inspire articles. As for why April? Well, April’s main holiday is one for playing jokes and pranks, and that just seems to fit Spidey.

So, what can you expect? Well, if you remember my Batman-Month in October, you’ll remember that the articles randomly happened at any given moment. So expect a lot of that.

There’ll be storyline lists, special reviews, articles about individual villains, and factoids aplenty.

So be prepared my Merry Marooners! Things are going to be quite interesting this month.

Ahmed is not just a fanboy, but also a martial artist and an indie author who has published such fantasy adventure books as "Lunen: Triblood".

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