C2E2 Cosplay Highlights

C2E2 Cosplay Highlights

There was just too much coplaying goodness to capture in its entirety, so here are a few of my favorites. My personal best in show goes to the Bumblebee cosplayer featured in the video.

Bumblebee Transformer Cosplay at C2E2 from Aron Deppert on Vimeo.

As a youngin’, Aron cut his gaming teeth on the NES. Countless hours spent in Hyrule and the Mushroom Kingdom helped him cultivate the skills that are the basis of what he is today: the Chicago metropolitan area's most ruthless Pokémon master. Some would think a bearded man in his 30s would be ashamed to be seen in public wearing a Pikachu hat, but for Aron it is a badge of honor. When he’s not collecting gym badges, Aron likes games such as those from the Final Fantasy, Super Mario Bros., Legend of Zelda, and Ace Attorney series.

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