Longest Single Turn in Hearthstone in the Works on Twitch!

Longest Single Turn in Hearthstone in the Works on Twitch!

How do you do the longest turn in Hearthstone? It’s quite easy it seems! Twitch caster mamytwink has figured out a way to have one turn last for nearly 40 plus hours. He’s trying for the world record at the longest turn within the game. I think he’ll land it if Blizzard doesn’t have an issues. Now you may be asking yourself, how is this even possible? Well mamytwink has done that math to figure out all the details on how this can be done.

However, that’s not all of it since you can watch the Twitch stream below as well. At this time there is over 6,400 plus users are watching the stream and I happen to be one of them of course. You can see in the picture below on how the math was done. If you’re like me and enjoy more details you read the text below the picture. Expect updates to this page if anything happens to come up, but with the same thing going on for nearly 8 hours already I doubt there will be an update.


  • Prophet Velen was buffed multiple times with the new card Velen’s Choice (more than 30 times for some Velen).
  • Les Prophet Velen have then been multiplied on the field thanks to some Faceless manipulator
  • In order to multiply Faceless Manipulator, we used the card Mind vision.
  • Iceblock prevents the Priest from dying.
  • The spellpower increases the number of missiles casted by Arcane Missiles. 207 spellpower = +206 missiles. this makes a total amount of 206 + 3 missiles. Prophet Velen doubles the number of missiles. Because there are 7 on the battlefield, the number of missiles has been multiplied 2^7 = 128 times. 128×210 = 26 752 missiles. Eventually, Arcane Missiles x 9 have been cast, which gives 26 752 x 9 = 240 768 missiles.
  • It takes approximately 0,67 seconds for the animation of a missile to happen. 240 768 x 0,67 = 161 314 seconds. Which gives more than 44h of live stream.

Watch live video from Mamytwink on www.twitch.tv

Avid collector of Funko Pop! items, Pokemon and video games. Raises money for Extra Life since 2012. When I'm not collecting great things or helping kids and others via charity. I'm writing news, previews, reviews, and running giveaways. You can reach me at andrew at maroonersrock dot com as well.

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