Gunscape Shoots Up The Scene on Consoles this September

Gunscape Shoots Up The Scene on Consoles this September

Have you ever wanted to not only play a FPS, but create levels. Yeah, like Forge in Halo, but not just multiplayer maps. In Blowfish Studios’ upcoming FPS/world building hybrid, you can not only create multiplayer arenas for online and local multiplayer, but you can also create single player/co-op campaign levels! These levels can then be shared between console and PC!

Gunscape is coming to the Xbox One, Windows, Mac, and Linux on September 9, 2015, and then PlayStation 4 and Wii U in Q1 2016. Split screen multiplayer will be 4 player on PS4, 8 player on PC and Xbox One, and no mention of Wii U’s numbers quite yet.

“We are all hardcore gamers who are passionate about first-person shooters and world-building, but feel other attempts to blend the genres have come up short,” Benjamin Lee, CEO, Blowfish Studios, explains. “Gunscape provides an easy to use toolkit for world-building that gamers will instantly recognize, with weapons, enemies and level design elements that will remind players of their favorite first-person shooter franchises.”

Steam users can get an early access build right now for free here , with purchases allowing additional themes from classic fps titles to be applied.

Doug bashes his fists against the keyboard and eventually a piece of video is made, sometimes it is even funny. Some of his gaming accomplishments are: completing a living Pokedex on the Pokebank, 1000 pointing BCFX: Black College Football: The X-perience: the Doug Williams Edition, and only crying five times during the Kingdom Hearts series.

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