Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse Whips Its Way to Current Gen

Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse Whips Its Way to Current Gen

Who doesn’t love an old school side-scroller based on speed, and hair whipping? Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse originally launched in 2014 for the Nintendo eShop. Thanks to our friends over at the age rating systems, this past week it received a rating for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Now, usually this doesn’t mean much since it could just be getting rights to the game if they want to get it onto those consoles, but soon after WayForward gave the official response of yes, it is coming to current gen, but there is no released date at this time. I am actually interested by this game, even though I’ve had the means to play it, I’ve never really seen anything on it. Now that I have seen the trailer and it is coming to the Xbox One, I may just have to pick it up. Check out the WiiU trailer below!

Doug bashes his fists against the keyboard and eventually a piece of video is made, sometimes it is even funny. Some of his gaming accomplishments are: completing a living Pokedex on the Pokebank, 1000 pointing BCFX: Black College Football: The X-perience: the Doug Williams Edition, and only crying five times during the Kingdom Hearts series.

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