A Look At: Rock Band 4 DLC For The Week of 3/22/2016

A Look At: Rock Band 4 DLC For The Week of 3/22/2016

Since I do a lot of writing on Rock Band 4, I was wanting to try something a little different for you guys. Every once in a while, I’ll be recording DLC of the week, and upload the entirety of the song with expert tracks to give you a look at them, plus I will include my thoughts on each song on drums.

She Looks So Perfect – 5 Seconds of Summer

This title featured a lot of tom work on drums. While it is a stereotypical “I love her” ballad, it was actually enjoyable on the drums. I am a firm believer of even if it is repetitive, it doesn’t matter if it is a fun rhythm.

My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) – Fall Out Boy

While this is one of my favorite FOB songs, I was slightly disappointed it wasn’t Uma Thurman, but if I had to pick a different song, this would probably be it. With some odd “regiment” style snare rhythms, this song was actually very enjoyable and it kept snowballing concepts on you. While the offset of kicks and snare hits screwed me up multiple times, I thoroughly enjoyed this song. Definitely my pick of the pack.

Everybody Talks – Neon Trees

We have some standard rock beats on this one. A lot of straightforward 2 and 4 snare hits. However, the song picks up in the chorus, where a few off hand tom hits are thrown in. While they felt unnatural, it gave the song a nice feel. The guitar solo section is where the drums really pick up, and doesn’t look back all the way through the closing of the song. While there isn’t anything overly complicated, the song is catchy enough to have fun all the way through.

Should you get the pack? Absolutely, all of the songs are enjoyable. Plus you save a little bit of money if you get all three in the pack. Next week should be a country pack, so we will see where Harmonix goes with the three artists mentioned earlier this month.



Doug bashes his fists against the keyboard and eventually a piece of video is made, sometimes it is even funny. Some of his gaming accomplishments are: completing a living Pokedex on the Pokebank, 1000 pointing BCFX: Black College Football: The X-perience: the Doug Williams Edition, and only crying five times during the Kingdom Hearts series.

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