PAX East 2016: Move or Die Hands-On Preview

PAX East 2016

PAX East 2016: Move or Die Hands-On Preview

PAX East 2016: Move or Die Hands-On Preview

One of the more wild and hectic games I got my hands on at PAX was a simple party game from Those Awesome Guys with a simple name: Move or Die, a title that was released on Steam on January 21, 2016.  Those Awesome Guys pride themselves in saying that this is the perfect party game conglomeration to end friendships. Each round is fast, each round changes, and each round there’s a possibility you may lose a friend. Yeah! Fun!

The title tells you half of the rules from the get go: If you sit still, your health will start to decrease, only recovering if you move. The other half? It changes every round you play. It could be as simple as step on the most tiles before time runs out, or maybe stay alive, or even do a frontflip backstab with a chainsaw to kill your enemies. Yeah, those are all modes, and there are a lot more.

In this mode, you must touch tiles to color them. Whoever has the most blocks at the end wins.

In this mode, you must touch tiles to color them. Whoever has the most blocks at the end wins.

Even more than the rounds are the characters you can play as. While you have multiple to start with, the more you play, the more you unlock. Even more, they will be adding in more characters with each of the free updates they plan in the future. Even even more, they allow players to have their own characters put in through the Steam workshop. Literally, the possibilities are endless as to what you can play as. I’ve seen Patrick Star, I’ve seen a lumberjack, and I’ve even seen a cute piece of toast that may or may not resemble a cat. Who knows, and who cares? The more the better!

See? It's a toast-kitten-thing!

See? It’s a toast-kitten-thing!

These updates that are being released are coming in about once a month. April’s update came just this past Friday with a game mode that was shown on the Twitch main floor. The mode is called Viewers vs. Streamers, and it is as hectic as it sounds. The chat in the stream can vote on rounds, modifiers (everyone is invisible, health switch- Stand still or Die, if you will- , etc.) and even throw in deadly lasers or distractors. This takes a crazy game and ups the crazy-mometer through the roof.

In order to kill an opponent, you must jump and shoot, as the title suggests.

In order to kill an opponent, you must jump and shoot, as the title suggests.

Right now, it is available on Steam for $15, with a 4 pack so you and your friends can pay to have a game ruin your friendship! There may even be a sale coming up soon. *hint hint* So that is all of the technical stuff about the game, so now it’s me time. When they say it is fast-paced, they are not lying. Each round lasts maybe 20 seconds, but it is extremely addicting. Those 20 seconds will quickly build into a two hour long vendetta between friends. There is 4 player online/local multiplayer as well as offline practice modes to learn each match type. There are also leveling-up through ranks as well as daily challenges and missions! It is like someone smashed together Mario Party and Wario Ware together!  Be sure to pick this up and give it a try, and be on the lookout for our full review coming soon!


Doug bashes his fists against the keyboard and eventually a piece of video is made, sometimes it is even funny. Some of his gaming accomplishments are: completing a living Pokedex on the Pokebank, 1000 pointing BCFX: Black College Football: The X-perience: the Doug Williams Edition, and only crying five times during the Kingdom Hearts series.

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