Is Nintendo Switch Getting a Third Version of Pokémon Sun and Moon?

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Is Nintendo Switch Getting a Third Version of Pokémon Sun and Moon?

Is Nintendo Switch Getting a Third Version of Pokémon Sun and Moon?

It looks like Nintendo’s Switch lineup is getting a monumental addition with a new version of Pokémon Sun and Moon, currently codenamed “Pokémon Stars”. What could this be? We can hope a Pokemon game for the Switch, RIGHT?!

A report from Eurogamer citing numerous sources leaked the news. The game is well into development and is aiming for a 2017 release date.

Pokémon Stars (or whatever the final name turns out to be) will be to Sun and Moon what Pokémon Yellow was to Red and Blue. This will be the first main Pokémon game to come to home consoles.

What may confirm this is that we may have seen something from the Switch version. If you do remember during the Sun and Moon’s February reveal teaser culminates in split-second shots of Game Freak staff Junichi Masuda and director Shigeru Ohmori working on Sun and Moon spliced with quick flashes of in-game concept art and models which of course included an HD in-game model for new bird Pokémon Pikipek. Do you remember the picture below. I sure do from the trailer!pikipek

The game will apparently use higher quality assets to take advantage of the Switch’s significant power (in comparison with the 3DS). If you can’t wait until 2017, you can pick up Sun and/or Moon today. Expect our review soon once our writer Doug can stop playing.

Having spent his youth avoiding the outdoors, which is where scary things are, Adam became entrenched in games and the gaming world at a young age. Deciding to use his minor talent for squishing words together to justify his gaming lust, Adam will find just about any excuse to talk or rant about games, especially if you disagree with him.

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