Dragon Ball Z Switch

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Dragon Ball Z Game Coming To Nintendo Switch

Dragon Ball Z Switch

Though there was no information or details on title, eagle-eyed viewers can spot a Dragon Ball Z fighting game that was shown during the final trailer during the Nintendo Switch Presentation.

All we know yet is Goku and Vegeta are in the game, but from the look of it, it’s Halo Goku and the crowd is the classic Budokai tournament. This could be a port of the recently released Xenoverse 2 or a new game entirely. We’ll be keeping an eye on Bandai Namco for a press release.

Screen grabs below:



Jesse Collins brings a decade of knowledge and experience in the video game industry. In his work, Jesse keeps up-to-date and modern to the best of his ability in the ever-changing industry. Currently in public relations and marketing for indie development video games, Jesse has also been a journalist for several publications in the past. He doesn’t THINK outside of the box, he LIVES outside of it.

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