Harmonix Announces New Rock Band DLC for July

Harmonix Announces New Rock Band DLC for July

I am a HUGE Rock Band fan. In fact I have over 700 songs in my current Rock Band 4 library. I host Rock Band Parties once a month. Heck even my Wife and I run a charity stream called Rock Band 4 Charity.

So as you can imagine I always get excited when I see the announcements for new DLC. July’s announcements were just shared and I am SO HYPE. Let’s look at the rundown according to the press release:

  • Disturbed – “Down With The Sickness”
  • Ghost – “Cirice”
  • The Black Keys – “Gold On The Ceiling”
  • Wilson Phillips – “Hold On”
  • … and more!

There are some amazing tracks on the docket for July, but the one I’m most hype for? Wilson Phillips – “Hold On”. No joke. That song has some rad vocals and amazing drums. Plus thanks to the movie Bridesmaids everyone knows it and will sing along.

Of the announced tracks are there any that you are picking up? Let us know in the comments below.

Rock Band 4 is out for Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

Mike Robles has been in the gaming industry for almost 20 years. He’s been in QA, marketing, and community management. In his spare time he sings karaoke, watches horror films, and writes reviews for Marooners' Rock

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