
Gotham PD Showrunner Has Been Chosen

I was a huge fan of the Fox TV show Gotham, so when I heard that a new Gotham TV show was in the works, from Boardwalk Empire’s Terence Winter, I was intrigued.

Joker (Film) Review

Can a villain origin movie work? Joaquin Phoenix shows us in Todd Philips’ dark psychothriller-tragedy, Joker.

September 2019 Games with Gold vs PS+ Offers

September has been filled with AAA title after AAA title and gamers around the world have had the opportunity to dive into some of their favorite franchises after waiting patiently. Although September is halfway over and it is almost time to wake Billie Armstrong, gamers have had their share of excitement and disappointment. So far, AAA titles Catherine Full Body, Gears 5, NBA 2K20, and Borderland...[Read More]

Telltale Games Makes a Controversial “Revival”

Earlier this week, two businessmen (Jamie Ottilie and Brian Waddle) announced that they had bought Telltale Games’s company name and some of its licenses. Neither of these men had ever worked at Telltale before. Furthermore, the funds for this investment came largely from Athlon Games, a subsidiary of the Chinese game proprietor Leyou, plus from executives who had previously worked with game publi...[Read More]

EA and WBIE Partnering To Bring Batman Games to Origin Access

Now this is a shock: EA recently announced that the Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment (WBIE) catalog is coming to Origin Access. This makes WBIE the first major publisher outside of the EA family to bring their games to EA’s vault.

Batman Month: Storylines to Base Ben Affleck’s Solo Film on

As we close out this year’s Batman Month, we’re going to look at one thing I’m super curious about: the possible ideas for Ben Affleck’s solo Batman movie.

Batman Month: The Best Animated Movies

There are tons of animated films starring the Dark Knight, but which are really worth your time?

Batman Month: Top 5 Elseworlds Batmen

Once again, the Dark Knight descends upon Marooner’s Rock, for it is Batman Month! And today, we’re going to look at the five best Batmen from the Elseworlds multiverse. To make the list, these all have to be versions of Bruce Wayne, and be different in some major way, be it setting, abilities, or whatnot. And here… we… go…

Batman: Enemy Within – Episode 1 Review

In the past few years, Batman games have been getting better and better. When the caped crusader first started to get the video game treatment, most of the games were considered, sub par. Yet, when the Arkham series started in 2009, things began to change for the Dark Knight. The Arkham games have been met with praise from critics and fans, alike. In 2016, Telltale games announced that they would ...[Read More]

Batman: Enemy Within Gameplay Footage Released

TellTale Games released gameplay footage of their upcoming Batman: Enemy Within via IGN. And it looks frightening!

RIP Adam West: The Top 5 Times He Remained Connected to Batman

For many, he was the iconic live action Batman. He called himself a Bright Knight as opposed to a dark one. And he never truly lost touch with the character who made him an icon.

The Lego Batman Movie – Review

“Black. All important movies start with a black screen.” That’s the opening line from The Lego Batman Movie, that rolls even before any of the studio logos show up.  It’s never an easy task building a movie spinoff around a side character from a previous movie or show, even when working from an established character. The Lego Batman Movie takes on that task with the charact...[Read More]

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