Captain America: Super Soldier

Review: Captain America: Super Soldier (360)

Some movie-based video games seek to recreate the plot of the movie itself, which I feel is dangerous ground to tread. Some tell a story completely separate from the movie, which, as long as it doesn’t contradict the movie it’s based on, can be good. Some tell a story that bridges the gap between one movie and another, which can provide a great deal of fill-in, which is always entertai...[Read More]

Captain America: Super Soldier – Developer Dossier 3

As the anticipation for Captain America: Super Soldier mounts, so too do the Developer Dossiers from Next Level Games and SEGA! We’ve heard about the game’s environment and why it was chosen, followed by the game’s villains and why they were chosen. Now, the task of implementing Captain America in a video game is discussed.

Captain America: Super Soldier – Developer Dossier 2

With each day inching Captain America: Super Soldier nearer and nearer, a second Developer Dossier has been released from the lads at Next Level Games and SEGA. Previously, they provided an inside look at why Baron Zemo’s castle was chosen as the location, and how they managed to tie it in to the film. Now, who are we fighting, and why?

Captain America: Super Soldier – Developer Dossier 1

For a little while now, I’ve been looking forward to the next upcoming superhero game, Captain America: Super Soldier. Recently, the guys at Next Level Games and SEGA started releasing “Development Dossiers,” which contain behind the scenes discussions about the development process and the choices that were made. The first dossier deftly discusses development of the delectable di...[Read More]

E3 2011: Captain America: Super Soldier

Superhero video games do not exactly have a reputation for excellence. For every X-Men Arcade, there are two Superman 64s. When you get into superhero video games that are released as tie-ins to superhero movies, it gets even worse. For every Spider-Man 2, there are five games like…well…Spider-Man 3. So while I await the release of any superhero game with great anticipation, due to the...[Read More]

WonderCon 2011: Interview with Christos Gage

While at WonderCon, I was fortunate enough to get a chance to pop by the Marvel booth and get an interview with Christos Gage, the writer of the Captain America video game that will be accompanying the feature film this year.

WonderCon 2011: Green Lantern and Captain America Hands-On

One thing I love about the comic conventions these days is how they promote all sorts of upcoming things for our geeky little hearts. So, it was a great treat to get hands-on time with the console versions of the games based on two of this summer’s biggest comic book films.

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