Doug Spears

Tour de France 2016 Review

I want to level with everyone. I try to be open minded. When I look at games that I am going to review, I try to pick games that I have an interest in the topic. What good does it do if I pick a game I know I’m going to hate, just to say I don’t enjoy this game. Well, folks, I decided to step out of my comfort zone, for better or for worst. It has taken me a couple weeks to find the words to adequ...[Read More]

The Metronomicon Preview

Back in April, I was introduced to a new type of game that I haven’t seen before. It wasn’t a dance game with rpg elements, and it wasn’t an rpg with dance elements. Rather, it was a beautiful culmination of the two that didn’t feel half done. I immediately latched on, and never looked back. Actually, that is a lie. Since I looked back at the day I got to play it for months...[Read More]

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