
Year 1 Episode 15 Recap

Coming into our 15th episode (holy cow, that went quickly), we were a bit rushed.  We had taken a nap, and woke up with just enough time to start doing our show notes and get our equipment set up.  We were still working on the tail end of our show notes as we started the show!  We had a great time with this episode.  After having lighter content episodes for the past few weeks, resulting in shorte...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 14 Recap

Right before our show tonight Chris and I got instantly aggrivated courtesy of our dog, Donnie. Chris had taken him outside to use the restroom prior to the show and apparently Donnie thought it would be cool to go behind the couch and piss on the carpet. After putting Donnie in his kennel, and after trying my best to get it up and out of the carpet, we started the show. We discussed our wedding i...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 13 Recap

This one is a few days late also, but we have our excuses!  Episode 13 was fairly short, as the past few episodes seem to also have been,  unfortunately.  We had a few topics to discuss, as usual, and went over our usual “…of the Week” items.  The interesting stuff started happening after the show ended!  Details will be up today or tomorrow! Episode discussion at: http://worldof...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 12 Recap

This is VERY late in coming, and because of that, I have no idea what we talked about in Episode 12!  I remember only a few things.  Our show was rescheduled from our regular Friday night time to Sunday afternoon, because Lindsey and I went out of town for a conference.  We did our basic weekly random topics, as well as one or two more serious topics.  We also mentioned my bare-chested Starbucks r...[Read More]

MehCast Update!

Hello, World of Meh!  As has been mentioned on Twitter, Episode 10, and on the Episode 10 recap, Episode 11, originally scheduled for Friday, March 20, 2009, has been rescheduled to Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 2:00pm Pacific Standard Time (5:00pm Eastern Standard Time).  We don’t like to do this, but we had a scheduling conflict that could not be solved.  We will be out of town, and Lindsey wi...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 11 Recap

Episode 11 is done and gone!  We were worried at the start of the show because we had absolutely no viewers!  However, as we soldiered on, our awesome viewers started popping in. We had a short show, clocking in at well under two hours, which was actually kind of strange.  We had a full week to talk about, and a prepared list of show notes, but were only able to jibber-jabber for a little over an ...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 10 Recap

Episode 10 was almost exclusively focused on our experience with the Watchmen movie midnight premiere the previous night.  There was brief discussion of other topics, but the main topic was Watchmen.  We had planned on a short episode before heading out to see Watchmen again, but were so exhausted that we didn’t make it out.  Given that, the show is a bit shorter than usual, because we had p...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 9 Recap

Hello everybody, Sorry this blog is coming so late in the day but today has been rather interesting and I will be making a separate blog about that. Last night was our ninth episode and all I can say is wow. 9 episodes. We started by showing off our new webcam we purchased this past week. We no longer have to bring in lamps from different rooms but the big downside is that for some reason it looks...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 8 Recap

So last Friday was our 8th episode. Crazy to think that we have been doing our MehCasts for about 2 months now but it’s been great. Prior to the show we were at the local Tweet Up that I mentioned in a recent blog. We were originally going to try and air the show from the event but since we have ghetto equipment there would have been no way we could have cancelled out the background noise. O...[Read More]

Year 1 – Episode 7 Recap

Our Friday the 13th episode started with some unlucky technical difficulties, resulting in a late start of almost 10 minutes!  We sincerely apologize, but we were so busy playing on our new Wii that we didn’t take the time to confirm that everything was ready to go.  Our bad. This episode saw Lindsey in aluminum devil horns (which were easy to do since all she did was wrap them around her re...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 5 Recap

Good morning, World of Meh! So last night marked Episode 5 of Year 1 of our weekly MehCast.  It was a good show, and, if I recall correctly, our best attended and longest show yet!  The two of us had a real blast with this episode, and we really appreciate everyone who has been watching and participating. We started off the show by discussing Lindsey’s Princess Leia style aluminum foil hair,...[Read More]

Year 1 Episode 4 Recap

Boobies! Within that one word lies the secret of our success with last night’s MehCast.  Lindsey wore a top that almost completely failed to conceal her cleavage, which was a reoccuring topic throughout the night.  Overall, we feel that it was a good episode.  We had a lot of fun, and a large (large for us, I mean) number of viewers.  Unfortunately, due to streaming through our wireless rout...[Read More]

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