Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition Revealed

Final Fantasy XV continues to expand its universe, and this time it brings a mobile retelling of the proper game in Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition on iOS, Android, and Windows 10 devices. This retelling will take place over ten downloadable episodes launching simultaneously, with the first being free, and features a unique artstyle with the characters taking a chibi look.

Breaking: Kingdom Hearts Development on hold Indefinitely due to Overwhelming Reception of FF XV

Last night Square Enix had quite an evening. With thousands upon thousands watching, they showed off the masterpiece many have been waiting for about 10 years; The masterpiece being Final Fantasy XV. While many “aah”ed and “ooh”ed about the beautiful world in front of them, there was a small group that was not, and that would be the game developers. What they were witnessing was completely overwhe...[Read More]

Final Fantasy XV Platinum Demo Out….. Tonight on Xbox One and PS4

Tonight at Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV, there were a ton of announcements, in regards to the FFXV universe, which will get posted soon enough. However, there was one announcement that I am so very excited about and that is the FFXV Platinum Demo, which is available “soon.”

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