Grant Morrison

Batman: The Essential Stories

As we wrap up on Batman-month (which I hope is good enough to do again), I feel that it’s time we talk about the stories that are essential. Now, before I start rambling, I’m not talking about my favorites (although these are a chunk of my favorites), nor just when significant events happened (we’d be here all week going over all the significant events in Batman’s long hist...[Read More]

The Stuff of Legend

Earlier this month I wrote about our experiences from 2010’s Free Comic Book Day.  This year’s FCBD was not my first experience with the event, however.  That distinction belongs to 2009’s FCBD.  Why do I bring this up, you probably aren’t asking yourselves, but I’ll pretend you are as it serves to further my anecdote?  I bring this up because if it were not for 2009&...[Read More]

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