Green Goblin

Spidey-Month Villain Spotlight: The Green Goblin

It seems easy these days. Ask a person who Spider-Man’s greatest enemy is, more often than not they’ll say the Green Goblin, with Doc Ock and Venom being the only ones in the same league. But it wasn’t always that way. While a formidable foe, Norman Osborn had to work hard to make it to the top of the list. And even when he’s not the Goblin attacking Spidey, his legacy cont...[Read More]

George Takei for Spider-Man?

I love George Takei. Not only is he a legend, but he is absolutely hilarious. Regardless if you agree with his lifestyle choices or not (go George!), you really can’t deny the impact he has had on geek culture. While he will forever be remembered for his role in the original Star Trek as Hikaru Sulu, it appears as if George is wanting to take on a role where he can be a webslinger.

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