Lord of the Rings Online

MMO’s Tavern – It’s Super Effective

Welcome to this week’s MMO’s Tavern. I hope you all had productive weeks. Between crashes in Orgrimmar and heated matches of Conflict at the Mill, my productivity has just shy of plummeted. That’s enough of that, on with the show!

MMO’s Tavern – Shouldn’t I be playing Ghost Recon?

Welcome to this week’s MMO’s Tavern.  Sorry about last week’s rant. Things like that don’t usually get to me something about it just stuck in my craw and I had to get it out. So have a drink and enjoy the news.

Lord of the Rings: Online is Being Set Free

I was never bit by the MMORPG bug in the way most people are.  I tried World of Warcraft for a month or two, but eventually got tired of paying a monthly subscription fee just to grind a character.  I only started World of Warcraft in the first place because there was a promotion for a free week of play, and I wanted to see what all the hubbub was about.  Since that time, I haven’t touched a...[Read More]

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