Mary Stewart

The Last Enchantment

The Last Enchantment is the final book of The Merlin Trilogy, bring the life and deeds of Merlin the Enchanter to a satisfactory conclusion. The Last Enchantment sees Arthur rise to the position of High King of Britain, with Merlin as his advisor and protector.  The book also sees Merlin, in his later years, finally accept the love of a woman, Niniane, who becomes his apprentice, learning all of h...[Read More]

The Hollow Hills

The Hollow Hills is the second book of The Merlin Trilogy detailing the life and purpose of Merlin the Enchanter. The Hollow Hills follows Merlin’s plans for the conception of Arthur, the King who will come to save Britain from the Saxons and from itself.  A very different story is presented here than the standard Sword in the Stone story that most people are familiar with.  Merlin’s p...[Read More]

The Crystal Cave

Mary Stewart’s Merlin Trilogy takes the reader through the life of Merlin, the great wizard of Arthurian legend.  The first book in this trilogy is The Crystal Cave. The Crystal Cave begins a more detailed and somewhat new story of Merlin’s childhood and youth.  The first book sees Merlin progress from a bastard child into the acknowledged son and heir of Aurelius Ambrosius, High King ...[Read More]

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