Mummy Demastered

Mummy Demastered (PC) Review

Almost always, when a game comes out based on a movie it is typically built as a quick cash grab, a way for studios to make more money on the name than just the film. These deals have made some of the worst games in history, but Way Forward may have proved that they can take a flawed, poorly performing film and make it into a great game. Mummy Demastered is the game in question, one that takes the...[Read More]

The Mummy Demastered makes a Metroidvania out of a Flop

Games based off of movies rarely go well, but I think Way Forward may be onto something with their latest project. Teaming up with Universal Brand Development, those kooky kids behind Shantae have cooked up a Metroidvania with classic looking 16-bit aesthetics to promote The Mummy, which came out last summer. This is the kind of game project that when it was announced, I legitimately thought The M...[Read More]

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