Review: ManStruggle (FB)

I know what you’re thinking… a game review for something on Facebook? YES! A game review for something on Facebook! Let me assure you, it will all make sense once you finish reading this review.

Why Don’t They Make More…


Happy 25th Anniversary, Mario!

Mario Mario is one of the most recognizable characters in video game history.  Of course, after 25 years of working the pipes, it would be terribly disappointing for him if he wasn’t at the top of the game.  Though he started off closer to 30 years ago by the name of “Jumpman” in the Donkey Kong arcade game, his real claim to fame started in 1985 when Super Mario Bros. was releas...[Read More]

Ryu Hayabusa in a Mario game?

For awhile now, hacks on classic games have been really popular. Some are downright genius, whereas others are for laughs. Super Mario Bros. Crossover is the latest project by Jay Pavlina, founder of a production company called Exploding Rabbit, and easily falls into the aforementioned genius category.

The Game that Almost Killed Me

I know that in the past I’ve mentioned how a video game almost killed me as a child. No, it wasn’t thrown at my head, nor was I physically beat by somebody wielding a NES controller. It’s actually a little more complicated than that, so let me take you back in time to when I was a little girl…

Video Game Tattoos: Yay or Nay?

At some point in life, everybody considers getting a tattoo whether they want to admit it or not. Some go through with it, while others choose not to for various reasons.

Classic Games: Still great, or is it just nostalgia?

Last Tuesday, for my birthday, I whipped out my NES and played a beloved game from my childhood, Crystalis. At first I was pretty scared to pop it in, because what if I didn’t feel the same way about it anymore? What if the gameplay or story was too simplistic for my current gaming tastes? What if I don’t enjoy it, and those memories are ruined? As a little girl, I slept in the same be...[Read More]

WCG Ultimate Gamer

Lindsey and I were up very late a few nights ago, and we noticed something on the Sci-Fi channel called “WCG Ultimate Gamer”.  Both of us being avid gamers, this piqued our curiosity, and we switched over.  What we saw was a re-run of the first episode of WCG Ultimate Gamer, a “reality” competition show with video game challenges.  It’s a very interesting show, and th...[Read More]

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