
Commercial Ringtone Alarm

Many of you know that Chris and I both have iPhones. Both of ours are jailbroken, but mine is unlocked since I use it on T-Mobile. Looking through Icy a week or two ago, I saw some ringtones of commercial jingles. I saw that the two packs contained the jingles to Fanta, Mentos, Hershey’s, K9 Advantix, Geico, Old Spice, and Snickers  so I downloaded both packs. Chris had to wake up early the ...[Read More]

Cell Phone Horror

It all started yesterday when Chris was messing around with his iPhone. I bought it for him back in February of last year, and shortly after he jailbroke it. Once the 2.0 software upgrade came out, he upgraded but didn’t jailbreak it again until last night. He then started adding random ringtones since the default ones are terrible. He was getting a laugh out of the Star Wars tones so he put...[Read More]

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