
Changes to Commenting

We love comments. We want you to comment. We wish you guys and gals would comment. So, what have we done to help encourage that? Removed the function where you have to register and be logged in to do so. Originally, we set that into place because we were getting loads of spam comments, and it made our site cluttered and really shitty looking. Problem with that, is if you are like the two of us, yo...[Read More]

Why I’m Starting to Hate Facebook

Having had a Facebook account for a few years now, and in the recent year started to use it more, I’m really starting to get sick of it. I originally joined Facebook to make contact with friends I went to school with, and wanted something more mature than shitty Myspace. Myspace was filled with all of those stupid glittery .gif comments, so much spam, and nasty dudes trying to get their dick...[Read More]

I have a new girlfriend!!

Seriously! I just got an email from her right now in my inbox and I have the proof to show you all (click the image for a larger shot): Wow… how did she know that this is exactly what I needed? It’s like we are the same mind, body, and soul. Yum… – She Who Has The Last Word (oh… and obviously I sent her straight to the SPAM folder lol)

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