
Review – Splatterhouse (PS3)

The question of what’s good doesn’t always follow the logic of if something is made well. It often is a matter of taste. Some people love classical music, and others love rap or heavy metal. Some love films like Seven Samurai, or Citizen Kane, while others enjoy Evil Dead 2 and Spider-Man. Again, it’s simply a matter of taste. This is the problem that rises with a game like Splat...[Read More]

Weekly Retro Review: The Splatterhouse Trilogy

Happy Halloween, and welcome to a new tradition here at World of Meh. I’ll be writing a weekly review, looking back at games from the past. And considering that I’ve been playing games from the NES days to now, that means I have a lot to write about. Yes, that includes last generation’s stock of PS2, Gamecube and XBOX. But since it’s Halloween, and with the upcoming release...[Read More]

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