super heroes

Review: PowerUp Heroes (Kinect)

While enjoying elementary school recess in the late 80’s, my friends and I played various games of the imagination, from X-Men to G.I. Joe, and from Super Heroes to Street Fighter. You have never known joy if you didn’t spend 30 minutes a day running around shouting, “HADOUKEN! NO… NO! SNAKE EYES CAN’T BLOCK A HADOUKEN WITH HIS NINJA POWERS, YOU BIG BUTTHEAD!” N...[Read More]

Evolution Of Pixar: The Incredibles & Cars

And Pixar continues it’s magical streak with one of my favorite films of all time. Not just animated,in general. The Incredibles is an astonishing piece of work that it’s cue from the superhero lore (one obvious inspiration being the mighty Watchmen).

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