The Tudors

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 000 – “A Hedgehog Named Frank”

Episode 000 of Marooners’ Talk is now up. Why did we start off our number at “000?” Because one of our asshole writers thought it would be cool and unique. Now we’re going to have to celebrate our tenth episode during Episode 009, our 50th episode during Episode 049, and our 100th episode during Episode 099. Jackass.

First Look at Showtime’s The Borgias

As a person who has been following this like a hawk, I am so thrilled to finally see a proper trailer for the upcoming Showtime series, The Borgias. If you were a fan of The Tudors, the amazing show detailing the life of King Henry VIII, you will easily fall in love with this new series.

What We’ve Been Watching

Since we haven’t done a MehCast in ages, in which we would normally go over something like this, I figured a post wouldn’t hurt. We’ve been watching some pretty awesome shows lately, and maybe you all might be interested in them. A show we’ve been binging on for the past week is Nip/Tuck, which originally aired on FX. Starring Julian McMahon and Dylan Walsh as two plastic s...[Read More]

The Six Wives of Henry VIII by Alison Weir

Last night, like I stated in my previous post regarding Subway vs. Panera, we went to Borders. I had a $15.00 coupon to use, so earlier in the day I looked around online. In their “Summer Reading” section I noticed this book titled “The Six Wives of Henry VIII” by Alison Weir. For the past couple of years, Chris and I have been watching the amazing Showtime show, The Tudors...[Read More]

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