tv show

Dexter Returns!

Before I continue, if you haven’t seen Season 4 of Dexter, STOP READING. Spoilage to come.

What We’ve Been Watching

Since we haven’t done a MehCast in ages, in which we would normally go over something like this, I figured a post wouldn’t hurt. We’ve been watching some pretty awesome shows lately, and maybe you all might be interested in them. A show we’ve been binging on for the past week is Nip/Tuck, which originally aired on FX. Starring Julian McMahon and Dylan Walsh as two plastic s...[Read More]

WCG Ultimate Gamer

Lindsey and I were up very late a few nights ago, and we noticed something on the Sci-Fi channel called “WCG Ultimate Gamer”.  Both of us being avid gamers, this piqued our curiosity, and we switched over.  What we saw was a re-run of the first episode of WCG Ultimate Gamer, a “reality” competition show with video game challenges.  It’s a very interesting show, and th...[Read More]

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