
Watch Dogs Trailer And Release Date Revealed!

Watch Dogs will be released in North America on November 19th. What systems will the game be coming to? We have been informed that it will come to PC, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, WiiU, and other next generation consoles. For those who pre-order in North America will receive a poster designed by Alex Ross.

Review: Backbreaker Vengeance (XBLA)

I’m going to level with you right off the bat: I’m not a huge American football fan. I’ve been a fan of the Green Bay Packers since the mid-90s, but only because Green Bay rhymed with Green Day (who had not yet started to suck ass at that time), and because it really pissed off my 49er’s fan cousins. As a non-fan, I’ve generally found myself ignoring or not enjoying m...[Read More]

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