we happy few

We Happy Few’s Ban in Australia Has Been Overturned

It’s been common knowledge now among the gaming industry that Australia is very strict on censorship when it comes to video games. There have been numerous stories of Australia outright banning titles due to its graphic content, whether it’d be violent or sexual. The most recent of these titles is the upcoming horror title, We Happy Few from Compulsion Games. A couple months ago, the g...[Read More]

We Happy Few Preview

“Happy people have no history.” – Leo Tolstoy Warning: Trailer contains gore and disturbing images. The first time I played We Happy Few was for a magazine subfeature, back in October 2015. Compulsion Games was still seeking Backerkit funding at that time to help continue their Kickstarter support as they sped things along; the past nine months of development have proven this to ...[Read More]

We Happy Few

We Happy Few is the tale of a plucky bunch of slightly terrible people trying to escape from a lifetime of cheerful delusion. Set in a drug-fueled, retro-futuristic city in an alternative history 1964 England, The player will have to blend in with its other citizens, who don't take kindly to people who don't abide by their not-so-normal rules.

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