Trials Rising (Xbox One) Review

Welcome back old friend. Trials Rising takes everything that was great about Trials, and presents it in a gorgeous, fuel-induced, tricked-out, non-stop fun fest that will have new and old players laughing, raging, and saying “Just one more time” over and over again.

Can talk about price point of Trials Rising? If you’re in the U.S.A. Trials Rising is $25 for the base game. That alone is a heck of a deal. The Gold Edition gives you the expansion pass and some cosmetics for your riders and bikes and that will run you $40. That is an INSANE price for this game. The sheer amount of replay value in this game is well worth more than $40.

For those new to the Trials series, Trials is a physics-based racer/puzzle/platformer. While we’ve seen so much in the Trials franchise, you can expect the team to kick it up another notch with Trials Rising. You take control of a motorbike and attempt to navigate through ramps, tunnels, sick jumps and whatever the heck else these level designers through at you. While it sounds easy in theory, it is far from that. Every lean, every press of the gas, everything you do determines the fate of your rider as you try and fail, and you will fail. You will fail A LOT.

New to Trials Rising is a whole list of features that haven’t been seen before in a Trials game. First off, University of Trials is a new “tutorial” mode in the game. As you level up and progress you will unlock more classes. These classes start out with basics but quickly dive deep into the advanced tactics used by pro Trials players to navigate those later levels. Having these presented in this way makes these techniques easier to comprehend and will elevate your game.

Customization is a big part of Trials Rising. You can earn contracts from sponsors who will ask you redo some races but this time with added win conditions. It can be something like “Do 6 backflips and 12 front flips oh and don’t crash.” Completing these contracts will award you with in-game XP, in-game currency, and customization rewards. These can be items of clothing, poses, win/lose victory animations and more. The XP will award higher levels and unlockables such as more classes in University of Trials & Skill Games. You will also be awarded gear crates as you play. These contain more customization items including bike parts and stickers.

Don’t let all these new features deter you from wanting to check out Trials Rising, this game is still a Trials game at heart. An amazing mix of music will fill your ears as the rev of the engines drown everything else out. Explosions sound great and hearing the “blips” of hitting a checkpoint makes you feel right back at home on the tracks.

The level design in Trials Rising is the best I’ve ever seen from a Trials game. Levels like Lynx World and Lights Camera Action are crafted with incredible detail. Not only does each level keep you guessing, but they also look incredible. This game is gorgeous. Considering how much time you spend speeding through some levels, I am in awe at how good they made the levels look.

While Trials Rising has a wonderful single-player component, the multiplayer could use a little work. For example, Tandem bike riding is new to the game and while two players ride on the same bike, it seemed to be that only the rider at the front was being controlled. Not sure if that was a bug on our end, but it made the Tandem part of the game feel less polished than other aspects. Party mode is where the game really shines. Like in earlier versions up to four players can play on the same screen and can choose up to 8 tracks to race on. What’s been added this time is the “Bet” system. Where the game offers some up bets for players to wager on. These range from “Loser must do a silly dance.” to “Players all buy the winner a pizza.” These are so unique and they add a sense of competitiveness, while also not taking itself too seriously.

Overall, If you’re already a fan of Trials Rising, you will not want to miss this entry. Trials Rising is the best Trials game to date. Building on an already well-established foundation, Trials Rising continues to outshine and outperform almost every other motocross game out there.

A review copy was provided by the publisher Ubisoft fot his review.


  • Great graphics
  • Amazing Gameplay
  • University of Trials


  • Tandem Bike wasn’t working great
  • Too many duplicate items in gear crates


Gameplay - 10
Controls - 9
Music/Sound - 9
Graphics - 10
Replay Value - 10
Mike Robles has been in the gaming industry for almost 20 years. He’s been in QA, marketing, and community management. In his spare time he sings karaoke, watches horror films, and writes reviews for Marooners' Rock

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