Marooners’ Talk: Episode 034 – “Do A Barrel Roll!”

Marooners’ Talk: Episode 034 – “Do A Barrel Roll!”

After a busy weekend of rocking out, followed by some hardcore napping, we finally got together to record this week’s podcast episode. Episode 034 of Marooners’ Talk, “Do A Barrel Roll!”, covers various topics. We get off to a slow start, but to be fair it was Monday evening, and not every opening can be fireworks and pinatas, so LAY OFF. There are a few moments of positive discussion this week; specifically, our conversations about limited editions being released this year and our shared admiration of Harmonix titles. The rest of the episode, though, sees us revert to our natural negative natures when discussing Activision (Radical Entertainment), The Amazing Spider-Man, Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut, FOX Marvel movies (Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, X-Men), and the flaws with X-Men: First Class and its absolutely awful Blu-Ray special features.

As always, you can listen instantly below or subscribe on iTunes and listen on the go! So, you know, do that. Or not. Whatever. Jerk.

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