
MSI RTX 4070 GAMING X SLIM Review | A Mid-Tier GPU with Solid Performance

We are coming even closer to the end of the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 series graphics cards, a generation that will go down as expensive as it is slightly confusing...[Read More]



Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered Review (PS5)

When you see a demo at PAX East, the demo can typically mean one of three things. The first and most typical demo is for a game that’s about to be release...[Read More]



Having a good motherboard is paramount to your experience as a gaming enthusiast; this is a universal truth. What you get is what you pay for is another. In the...[Read More]



Funko Fusion Review (PC) – A Wannabe Lego

Growing up as millennials, we had a ton of ways to let our imagination run free. Whether it was childhood games on the playground like Cops and Robbers, house, ...[Read More]



Star Wars: Outlaws Review

Is it cheesy to start every Star Wars game review with the “A long time ago in a galaxy far far away…” bit? Either way, consider this self-aware snark that has ...[Read More]



The Plucky Squire (PC) Review

Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda series is often credited as revolutionizing top-down action-adventure games. This is evident by the influence the franchise has h...[Read More]



PAX East 2025 Events & Parties List

With PAX East 2025 just around the corner, excitement is already stirring in the gaming community. Boston will once again be the epicenter of all things gaming ...[Read More]

PAX East 2025 4-Day Badge Giveaway

Here at Marooners’ Rock, we enjoy checking out all the indie games and more when it comes to PAX events. With PAX East 2025 being right around the corner,...[Read More]

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 – The Tomb Easter Egg Guide

Less than four months have passed since Call of Duty Black Ops 6 was released for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox, Oct 25, 2024. In that time, Activision and Treyarch...[Read More]

Is It Worth Playing Final Fantasy XIV in 2025?

Final Fantasy XIV is facing criticism, but is the game really in decline? Having played Final Fantasy XIV for over a decade, I’ve encountered various forms of s...[Read More]

PAX East 2025: Badge & Hotel Information

Planning to attend PAX East 2025? Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned attendee, my guide will help you secure your badge and hotel room before it’s...[Read More]

Warframe Spiritual Precursor Dark Sector Free on Steam

The holiday season is that special time of the year when it is better to give than to receive. Digital Extremes, the studio behind the free-to-play action RPG W...[Read More]

Latest Posts

WoW, just WoW

Normally I don’t look at links that are posted on Twitter, but when I saw a recent post from Ashton Kutcher about a kid having a love for World of Warcraft… my curiosity was intrigued. At first I thought that it was going to be just another video of some poor kid sitting in front of his ...[Read More]

Happy Fathers Day

Today is Fathers Day, and instead of writing something detailing how Fathers play an important role in a childs life, I decided to let these funny videos do the talking. Enjoy, and have a Happy Fathers Day! youtube::i0_wp5zyHqA:: youtube::1WpGsBycXzI:: youtube::EkKuNMEDk78:: youtube::3g3ObkG09kg:: y...[Read More]

Bad Donkey Wrestling?

A few weeks ago on our MehCast, I brought up something that seemed pretty disturbing. While Chris and I were driving around in town, I kept seeing little signs for a website called Bad Donkey Wrestling. I’m a pretty imaginative person, and sometimes my mind goes into the gutter… well act...[Read More]

Iranian Election

The last week has seen a veritable flood of support on Twitter for the Iranian presidential election protests occurring in Iran.  In brief, the incumbent president, Ahmadinejad defeated his opponent, Mousavi, by a very large margin (63% to 33%).  Many people have claimed that the election was rigged...[Read More]

Random Blurb…

The other day I was thinking about that Lady GaGa song “Poker Face.” In the song there is a part where, what sounds like a male voice, says something over and over but I can’t tell what it is. This is my take on it: The guy is saying “om nom, nom, nom!” So there you hav...[Read More]

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Countdown

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, a film adaptation of the book with the same title, will appear in theaters in 28 days!  If you haven’t seen the first five movies, but plan on seeing this one, then please, I beg of you, watch the first five movies before going to the sixth.  If you have...[Read More]

MehCast Update

We are very sorry that Episode 23 was put off last week!  Lindsey had a last minute work event to attend, and it just isn’t the same without both of us there.  It doesn’t feel right to us to do it alone.  Throw on a busy weekend with a new pet, and the show just got left behind.  Coming ...[Read More]

Dead Rising: Chop Til’ You Drop – Wii

I love zombie games. I love zombie movies. I would go so far as to say that you can all start calling me Zombzi. That’s how much I love seeing those mindless, undead creatures get their heads ripped off. A few days ago we rented, from Blockbuster, a copy of Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop for t...[Read More]

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