Sometimes when you play a demo for a game, you expect that the rest of the game will be exactly like the demo. Often a demo will show exactly what the game is about; other times, the demo will bait players in or set an unrealistic precedent of what to expect from the game. Only a few times have we played through a demo and gotten a different experience. Now, this isn’t always a bad thing. At PAX East 2023, we previewed Digixart’s game Road 96: Mile 0. In fact, we enjoyed the game so much that we awarded it a Writer’s Choice award.
Road 96: Mile 0 is the prequel to Road 96. The game introduces players to the game’s protagonists Zoe and Kaito. These two kids come from two different walks of life. Zoe, whose father is a political figure, and Kaito, whose parents are migrant workers. In spite of being from different social classes, these two teenagers have formed an unlikely friendship despite coming from different backgrounds.
As the story unfolds, Zoe and Kaito cause mischief around town while the citizens of White Sands live out their everyday lives as usual. When Zoe finds out that Kaito and his family are members of a terrorist organization/ Freedom Fighters (Black Brigades), the relationship between these two characters becomes strained. During their conversation, Kaito tells Zoe that Tyrak is manipulating everyone and that he was responsible for what happened at the wall. As a result, the game’s protagonists decide to break into the president’s manor to uncover the truth.
Do you believe everything the government tells you or do you form your own opinions? Both of the character’s opinions can change based on the player’s actions. Zoe and Kaito can tear down or tag posters, repair them, tag walls, and sabotage things. Tagging posters or walls will make the government notice and impact the game’s story slightly.
Road 96: Mile 0 consists of two styles of gameplay. The two styles are open-world exploration/interaction and a musically backed course running. Each level is inspired by the events that previously took place throughout the chapter. What the game doesn’t tell you immediately is that your decisions in the open world or on the courses can impact how the story plays out. Additionally, exploration within the city will give you a deeper understanding of the story while also giving the player the chance to find collectibles.
The game’s ending can change based on the player’s choices. The game changes styles one more time with a fight between friends going more the street fighter route. Depending on the outcome and the decisions made, the outcome can be drastically different.
Gameplay/ Story Thoughts
Road 96: Mile 0 does a great job building the game’s world but the gameplay can feel a bit all over the place. Although the courses are beautifully designed, they do occasionally have problems. Hit detection within the course can be inconsistent with the collision system tripping despite not colliding with an object. Sometimes when a path is chosen, a button input can cause the game to throw the player onto another path or into a dangerous object.
With the overworld exploration, the level design gives off the dystopian/socialist vibe but shows aspects that we can see even in capitalist countries; the game provides a ton of political and social commentary, however, some game bugs can hold it back. Objects in a level can bug out or be difficult to interact with. At times, it is easy to get lost because an interaction might not have spawned properly.
The game’s morality system does a good job of humanizing the characters and making it feel like the player has a choice of influencing the ending of the story. Within the courses, the player has the ability to pause the game; once the player is ready to resume, the game will count down to give players a chance to prepare. If a certain section is too difficult, the game gives you the chance to skip that section.
Mile 96: Road 0 can be visually enticing on the courses but throughout the overworld leaves something to be desired. This isn’t because of the artwork to say, but more that the world feels a bit empty. In a way, it is a good example of a dystopia and that’s what makes it so uncomfortable.
As previously stated, the game does have a few visual bugs that need to be sorted out. In levels, despite not showing being hit by an object, the game can still detect when you have been causing distrust in what you are seeing. In the overworld, objects can disappear depending on the angle you look at them. Some interaction prompts even refused to show until trying multiple angles. Additionally, some of the strobing effects and colors in the ride courses can be overwhelming.
During our playthrough, the weirdest bug we faced was after sitting down in the hideout’s chair; while there we were bugged into the level for a few minutes. Once you have unlocked all the rides, you don’t need to worry about these issues, but while playing through the story, it can be a bit off-putting.
Road 96: Mile 0‘s controls are fairly simple to understand but executing them is a different story. For course running, the player is only required to use the Right Trigger (Crouch) and A (Jump). While exploring the world, the only additional buttons utilized are the LB to zoom and the B button to cancel an interaction. Players can run using the right trigger and A to interact with objects.
If we are looking at Road 96: Mile 0 from an audio or sound effects perspective, the game’s soundtrack and effects are great. Each course has its own musical feel and sets the mood based on the story’s point. Even the background music can draw you in and keep you entertained. The game’s voice acting for the most part is pretty good; there were only a few times we looked at it and went, what?
Even if you don’t play the game, the soundtrack should be able to sell you on at least watching it.
Replay Value
When we look at Road 96: Mile 0, we can see two things potentially happening. One, players who enjoyed the game will want to replay it to see the different endings, and collect the 2D pixel stickers, Spray Cans, and Cassettes; they may also have the urge to beat their score on their last ride. Option 2, The player may think the story is one and done and not want to redo the courses. Personally, we are more on pathway one with wanting to see and do more.
Road 96: Mile 0 is a charming game that some would consider having an identity crisis. The ride courses enhance the story but sometimes overshadow it as well. The game’s betrayal doesn’t feel as severe as it should and some questions are never answered. Since we did not play the original yet, we can’t say if they are ultimately answered, but at the moment, it feels like an unanswered question.
The interactions between the characters feel natural but the relationship between the two almost overshadows the story’s main plot. The bugs within the game do detract from the overall experience, however, and the amazing soundtrack and good voice acting keep the player focused and engaged.
Gamers who enjoy course runners or a great musical soundtrack can find enjoyment in this game, but others will put it to the wayside either early on or after their first playthrough. The game is fun and worth checking out, but it is definitely not for everyone.
A review copy of Road 96: Mile 0 was provided on Xbox Series X for review purposes.