Tales of Vesperia

Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition Review

Back in 2008, the Xbox 360 wasn’t exactly a haven for RPG games – and it damn sure wasn’t flooded with JRPG games likely due to how badly the Xbox 360 sold in Japan. Because Microsoft’s Xbox 360 released before the PlayStation 3 did, Namco decided to bank on the popularity of the new console in the West and development started in 2005. Alongside other quality JRPG titles on...[Read More]

Review: Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike (Anime)

As I’ve said before, video game movies can be pretty rough. At times, a movie based on a video game may have a terribly translated story, while at other times, it can cross over from one medium to the other beautifully. This time, we’re looking at Tales of Vesperia, a well known Xbox 360 RPG that I’ve played in the past. The movie version, Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike, doe...[Read More]

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