Back in April, I was introduced to a new type of game that I haven’t seen before. It wasn’t a dance game with rpg elements, and it wasn’t an rpg with dance elements. Rather, it was a beautiful culmination of the two that didn’t feel half done. I immediately latched on, and never looked back. Actually, that is a lie. Since I looked back at the day I got to play it for months. However, now that I have a preview version, I have put more time into this game than I am comfortable saying.
In The Metronomicon, you literally use music as the weapon. With a game this complicated and in-depth, it is difficult to adequately do it justice with words. This is why I present you with a video preview! A few words leading up to it. This is the current preview version of the title. We are still a month out from release, so somethings may change. We are given the chance to look at the first two areas of the game. Each character is able to have their spells swapped and moved around. I do not go in-depth in this video since this is a team that I enjoy using. It is a ton of information, so be prepared for a very in-depth review/video review in the coming months. All I can say from this preview is this game is great for music and RPG lovers. Catchy sound track, good graphics, functional button presses and accessiblility. What more could you need? OH! Also the Metronomithong. We do have that.