Wanted: Dead Review – Xbox Series X

If you feel like you are getting tired of the shooters, or slashers that are seemingly everywhere on the market, Wanted: Dead may be just the breath of fresh air you’ll need. This innovative game combines elements of both genres, creating a unique and thrilling gaming experience that is sure to captivate players. With its impressive graphics and fast-paced gameplay, Wanted: Dead is a game that is not to be missed by any who enjoys games like these. So why not give it a try and see for yourself what all the fuss is about?

The game brings players into a futuristic cyberpunk realm, immersing them in a world where the enigmatic Zombie Squad operates as an indispensable arm of law enforcement. Comprising reformed ex-military individuals serving sentences, this group’s path to redemption unfolds through treacherous missions for the police to lower their sentences. While the execution that Wanted: Dead truly comes into its own, carving out a unique niche for itself. However, it must be noted, that while the narrative interludes between levels, though relatively sparse, they act as mere intermissions within the grander performance, allowing the true star of the show, which is the gameplay, to take center stage.

The combat system within the game presents both positive and negative aspects. Though there may be instances where the shooting and cover mechanics display flaws, the vast selection of guns available adds a refreshing element to the gameplay. However, it is the melee combat within Wanted: Dead that truly excels. The intricate finishing moves and skill tree provide opportunities for customization of one’s combat style, ultimately resulting in an engaging experience despite the repetitive nature of the gameplay. The strategy involves initiating the fight with gunfire until one runs out of ammunition, followed by a display of visually stunning melee moves to finish off opponents.

Initially, the controls might seem a little complex, but with some practice, you can master them. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to switch between your guns and melee attacks smoothly and quickly, like a seasoned gaming professional. With a bit of patience and persistence, you can learn how to execute finishing moves with ease and finesse. In no time, you’ll be able to take down your enemies in style.

As you play the game, the atmosphere does its best to immerse you into its world. The sound of gunshots is crisp and clear, and the squishiness of the combat adds to the overall experience. Although the dialogue and voice acting could use some improvement, it still manages to convey the story effectively. At times, however, it feels like the actors are merely reading lines instead of bringing the characters to life. Nevertheless, some may appreciate this as it adds to the neo-cyberpunk-grindhouse vibe that the game is trying to achieve. Overall, the game does a great job of creating an engaging and immersive experience despite its flaws.

Upon completion of the game, one may find that there aren’t many options for replayability. Although, one could attempt to speedrun the game, beyond that, the replay value may be lacking. Speaking as someone who enjoys watching speed runs, I am eagerly anticipating the possibility of seeing this game enter the speedrun scene. It will be interesting to see the techniques and strategies that players develop to complete the game as quickly as possible.

Wanted: Dead is a game that excels in providing an enjoyable experience to its players. With its action-packed gameplay, featuring slashing and shooting in a variety of levels, the game delivers on its promise of delivering an engaging experience. While the occasional unexpected twist adds an element of excitement to the gameplay, there may be room for improvement in terms of keeping players fully engaged and invested in the experience. The game could benefit from more variety in the levels and enemies, as well as introducing new gameplay mechanics to keep the players interested. Overall, Wanted: Dead is a great game that offers a thrilling experience, but there’s always room for improvement.



Gameplay - 6
Graphics - 7
Controls - 6
Aduio/SFX - 7
Replay Value - 5
Mike Robles has been in the gaming industry for almost 20 years. He’s been in QA, marketing, and community management. In his spare time he sings karaoke, watches horror films, and writes reviews for Marooners' Rock

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