Evolution Of Pixar: Toy Story

Evolution Of Pixar: Toy Story

In 1995 Pixar released the groundbreaking Toy Story. I have very fond memories if seeing this film during the Thanksgiving break when I was ten years old. I remember my parents dropping me off for the first showing on opening day (why that was important to me is still unknown. I was ten so whatever). The commercials on I saw on TV were nothing short of amazing & to a child like me, it was a must see.

The film itself did not let me down. Once released on VHS I sear I watched it daily. The humor is a bit more smart ass-eque & I think part of that could be attributed to Joss Whedon who helped with the story. The film is quite humble & simple in comparison to the later works from the studio,but it’s still as enchanting & funny as ever. The first hints of what would become Pixar’s trade emotional punches is the scene where Woody bears his plastic soul while trapped under the crate. The look on his face as he expresses his guilt over what has happened,is subtle in it’s powerfulness. This, to me, is just a small hint of Pixar going beyond just a “children’s cartoon”.

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