Castle Crashers Steam Deal & BattleBlock Theater Furbottom’s Features Updates

Castle Crashers Steam Deal & BattleBlock Theater Furbottom’s Features Updates


Grab it while you can.. Castle Crashers is 75% off the original price on Steam for a limited time! The Steam Daily Deal is up for grabs until 10:00 am PST on January 16, 2015. Castle Crashers is available for Windows and Mac via Steam.




The Behemoth was busy over the weekend and updated the Co-Op and Solo features in BattleBlock Theater. The community has been busy with the built in Level-Editor, and The Behemoth has highlighted some of their favorites in this installment of Furbottom’s Features! Hit the links for Co-Op and Solo fun times!

XBLA Co-Op Feature
Togetherwefail3 by leveldesignguy
Difficulty level: Intermediate

Steam Co-Op Feature
Testing by Byrone
Difficulty level: Intermediate
XBLA Solo Feature

GiganticBlock by QuirkyTurky
Difficulty level: Expert

Steam Solo Feature
Orange Blocks by Getlucky12341
Difficulty level: Intermediate

Map2Togetherwefail3 by leveldesignguy

Win an autographed BattleBlock Theater postcard!

Enter to win a BBT postcard signed by Dan Paladin (The Behemoth co-founder & art director) and Will Stamper (BattleBlock Theater narrator)! Just enter your name, email address, and one thing you like about their upcoming game – code name: Game 4. Contest ends January 16, 2015 – 4 pm PST. Restrictions apply – enter now!


Budding game artist and storyteller. I eat game narrative for breakfast and spend time wishing I could earthbend.

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