Doc Unknown Gets Hardcover Collection This Summer

Doc Unknown Gets Hardcover Collection This Summer

Comic book publisher Dark Horse Comics, announced earlier this week, that the pulp action comic, Doc Unknown, would be getting the hardcover collection treatment, in July of 2017.

From Fabian Rangel Jr. and Ryan Cody, Doc Unknown follows the tale of Warren Williams, a World War II fighter pilot, who crashes his plane and is taken in and trained by the warrior monks of the secret temple of Min-Yao. Following an ambush by Nazis, Warren travels to Gate City, taking on the mantle of Doc Unknown, a man fighting for good. His quest to protect the city, sees him facing off with a wide array of enemies, including vampire ninjas, hypnotizing fish-women, monstrous mobsters, vengeful ghosts, possessed museum attractions, and evil secret societies.

Dark Horse will be releasing the hardcover The Complete Doc Unknown on July 19, 2017. The collection will include volumes one through three of Doc Unknown, and the Boss Snake one-shot, as well as pinups by Mike Mignola, Eric Powell, and more.

A dragon that doesn’t fly (I’m scared of heights) Ray is an avid gamer with a passion for RPGs, and a fan of a wide variety of genres in anime and manga. With a wide range of likes, including cars and sports, he keeps a diverse collection of comics, games, books, anime, and manga. It will likely be an avalanche of these collections, that will be his end.

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