Sony E3 Press Conference Details Revealed

Sony E3 Press Conference Details Revealed

Sony’s Press Conference at E3 2018 is scheduled to air live on Monday, June 11 at 6 p.m. PT. Sony is definitely coming in hot after the massive success of God of War last month. After a groundbreaking exclusive game such as God of War, Playstation fans can’t wait to see Sony showcase their upcoming titles. On a recent episode of Playstation Blogcast, Chairman of Worldwide Studios, Shawn Layden, was a special guest and gave us some specific information on what to expect at this year’s E3.

The past couple years, Sony has been stealing the show with their fast paced press conferences, showing game after game. According to Layden, this year’s is going to be a little different. This year, it appears that Sony is going to give us “exclusive looks and deep dives” into 4 main upcoming Playstation exclusives. Those games are Spider-Man, Ghosts of Tsushima, The Last of Us Part 2, and Death Stranding. For those who are expecting any new hardware announcements, don’t hold your breath. Layden went on record to say that there are no new hardware announcements at this year’s E3, but instead they are focusing on the four games I just mentioned, announcements with third-party publishing partners, and of course games from indie developers.

It’s no surprise that Insomniac’s Spider-Man will get showcased, as the game is being released this upcoming September, so I’m sure we’ll get to see some more in depth gameplay. Just about everyone is excited to see Sucker Punch’s Ghost of Tsushima, the new open world game set in Feudal Japan. We’re hoping to get some gameplay as well as some estimated release time.

Death Stranding is without a doubt one of the most mysterious games to be marketed, which is to be expected with anything Hideo Kojima is involved with. I’m not going to get my hopes up too much for Death Stranding this year, as it’s speculated the game isn’t coming out for at least another few years. We will most likely get another cryptic trailer and some additional gameplay details.

Now this brings us to Last of Us Part 2. At this time, we don’t know much about the story, other than it will continue Joel and Ellie’s journey. At last year’s PSX, we did get a cinematic trailer, which was an absolutely brutal action sequence involving three fierce woman against some religious cult. It wasn’t until the very end of the trailer that we even realized it was a Last of Us trailer. The anticipated sequel was practically absent from E3 last year though, so this year it’s a guarantee we will get some juicy details on Naughty Dog’s next game in the franchise.

Sony’s E3 2018 Press Conference airs live Monday, June 11 6 p.m. PT.

He just graduated from Western Illinois University where all he did was write. On his free time he enjoys going out to Chicago and enjoying the company of his friends. Also, Go Cubs!!! His favorite game is Borderlands 2, favorite movie is The Social Network, and his favorite TV show is Dexter. Yes, he has very diverse taste.

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