Back in February of this year, the popular video-on-demand service DC Universe released the first live-action adaptation of Doom Patrol. Based on the comic book heroes of the same name, Doom Patrol stars a cast of oppressed heroes, reluctantly saving the world, that is constantly putting them down. The show’s first season, which premiered back in February of this year, has received superlati...[Read More]
Dark Horse Comics announced earlier this week, that the Black Hammer superhero series would be returning in 2018, with a new ongoing series, Black Hammer: Age of Doom.
Earlier this week, comic book publisher Dark Horse Comics announced that its western magical girl comic series, Zodiac Starforce, would be getting a second miniseries, Cries of the Fire Prince, beginning this summer.
Titan Comics, today announced that it would be adding three new titles to its new Hard Case Crime comic book line; Quarry, Normandy Gold, and Millennium: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
Earlier today, comic book publisher Dark House Comics announced a partnership with Mystery Science Theater 3000, which will result in a number of new products based on the series.
For those of you who didn’t know, FX has started a new TV series called Legion. Legion is based on the X-Men character of the same name. Legion, whose real name is David Charles Haller, was a character created by writers Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz in the 1980s. Not sure if this is really spoiling anything in the show, but David is the son of Professor Xavier and in the comics is kn...[Read More]
Comic book publisher Dark Horse Comics, announced earlier this week, that the pulp action comic, Doc Unknown, would be getting the hardcover collection treatment, in July of 2017.
What, you thought it was a one time thing?
In keeping with Ahmed’s run of Spidey Month pieces, Episode 026 of Marooners’ Talk, titled, “Spidey’s Turning 50,” focuses primarily on Spider-Man, with the occasional tangental comic character stealing focus for a few moments. We ran a little long, as we will often do when we get into our critical nerd modes, but managed to come to a close about ten minutes before we...[Read More]
By this point, it’s kind of a given that while Norman Osborn is Spidey’s greatest foe, Venom will probably always be his most popular foe. But really, who or what is Venom? Villain, anti-hero, monster, parasite? The fact is, Venom is a lot of different people, and yet the same all the time. But, like a lot of Spidey’s villains, he’s had good times and bad times as far as de...[Read More]
It seems easy these days. Ask a person who Spider-Man’s greatest enemy is, more often than not they’ll say the Green Goblin, with Doc Ock and Venom being the only ones in the same league. But it wasn’t always that way. While a formidable foe, Norman Osborn had to work hard to make it to the top of the list. And even when he’s not the Goblin attacking Spidey, his legacy cont...[Read More]