
Geek Thought of the Week: Five Things X-Men First Class Must Do to Succeed

I’ve been thinking about this lately. The X-Men film series is screwed. It has been for a while. The first two films, while taking liberty with the vast X-Men universe, were good films in their own right that could be watched by people who have never before read about Sniktbub and his amazing adventures. But with X-Men: The Last Stand, things started going all crap shaped. Too many character...[Read More]

Geek Thought of the Week: Rudolph and The Marvel Universe

In which we ponder how the world that fears those that are different would react to a red nosed reindeer.

Review: X-Men Arcade (XBLA)

I am an experienced time traveler. Unfortunately, triggering my travels through time is beyond my conscious control. I must rely on external factors to throw me into the past. Yesterday, one such external factor threw me back to an arcade  in Oklahoma City in the early 1990s. Yesterday, I picked up my Xbox 360 controller and played the Backbone Entertainment’s XBLA release of Konami’s ...[Read More]

New X-Men movie casts everyone in the world

Oliver Platt, Rose Byrne and Jason Flemyng are enrolling in First Class along with the other 1.2 billion people cast so far.

Why I Hate the X-Men Movies

Ever since 2000, I have had a major thorn in my side, and you can blame the people behind the X-Men movies for that. As something I’ve always held dear to my heart, the X-Men series is that of legend. It’s truly epic, and shouldn’t be tampered with. For years I had been wanting to see my favorite characters up on the big screen, and when it finally happened, I wanted to die.

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