I’ve mentioned this before, but the main bulk of my digital pinball resume consists of Space Cadet 3D Pinball on Windows 95 and Sonic Spinball on the SEGA Genesis. I dabbled recently in a PS Vita pinball title, and appreciated its efforts to recreate classic physical pinball tables, but haven’t spent much time with it lately because it couldn’t hook my attention in the long term....[Read More]
We take a break this week from our normally scheduled video game discussion to focus on another topic near and dear to our hearts: comic books. Continuing our weekly production streak (three in a row makes it an official streak), episode 16 of Marooners’ Talk, titled “Avengers vs. X-Men and Other Comics Shit,” was originally intended to focus solely on the upcoming Marvel Comics ...[Read More]
Moments ago, Marvel did a live-streamed press conference announcing a new seven issue series, Fear Itself, starting in April of 2011 with a preview in March 2011, starring Captain America and a few others back in World War II. Brought to life by Matt Fraction, Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, and Laura Martin, this seven-issue series will run $3.99 per issue, except for the larger-than-normal ...[Read More]