Merry Chrismeh!

No, this is not some cute way to wish you a Merry Christmas by mixing my name and the site name.  Christmas was four days ago, anyway.  However, I find myself in a situation where I am able to use this pun as of very recently (this afternoon, to be more precise), and I would be remiss in letting the opportunity pass by.

Sorry, I seem to be starting the story in medias res.  Allow me to start from a point in the story that would be most appropriate; the beginning.  Earlier today, while at work, I received a message via AIM from Lindsey stating that she had created a MySpace for use with this site.  She informed me that her URL was now  Being somewhat neurotic and obsessive compulsive, I felt the need to balance her creation of a WoM (World of Meh) MySpace with the creation of a WoM MySpace of my own!  Unfortunately, my need for balance and symmetry meant that I was forced (yes, damn it all, forced!) to use as my URL.  As soon as I realized the ramifications, I became determined to make a Merry Chrismeh joke.

Merry Chrismeh.

-Because I said so

I'm the Ambassador of Kickyourassador. I am the Walrus. I'm on a highway to the Danger Zone. I am the Kwisatz Haderach. I do things with words that have a generally geeky gist.

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