California Love

Yesterday was a pretty great day. It started off getting some local love from @mikeoz on Twitter. He works for the local newspaper, The Fresno Bee, and has written some really great articles. When I take the time to actually read the paper I always make sure to check out what he has to say. For the Fresno Bee employees there is a website called FresnoBeeHive where they add additional content that didn’t make the newspaper, and frankly the site is a lot of fun. They do concert ticket giveaways on there for local shows, the viewers get the chance to comment on the articles like on a blog site, and I find that that one website has alerted me to more things going on in my town than I could have imagined.

@mikeoz created a post on the site about Twitter. It was for the local community who hadn’t created an account or who was new to the site. Basically it was filled with recommendations. There was a section about which tv stations were on there, other cool local things/places who were on Twitter, Fresno Bee peeps, and then there was a category with just 11 “cool peeps” that he thought people should start off with.

I was totally delighted when he asked me Thursday evening if I would be cool with him putting me as one of the peeps. Of course I said yes and thanked him because it truly was flattering. Surprisingly there are a lot of locals on Twitter so he could have easily chosen somebody else because frankly lets face it, I’m not too terribly exciting lol!

As a result of that blog, I gained many new followers – obviously local ones – and I got to meet some of them at the Tweet Up that took place Friday evening at the Daily Grill. It’s always great coming across new people that you might not have found out through other means.

At the Tweet Up last night, that was wonderfully arranged by @FresYes whose real name is Jason Farris, Chris and I were only there for a little over an hour but we had a blast. We got there later than we wanted to but it was totally my fault. I couldn’t find a stupid top to wear. Then we had to leave earlier than we would have liked to but we have our obligations to our show and to our viewers.

It was great getting to meet everybody face to face because some of the people we have on Twitter use random images instead of self photograph for their avatars. @ShyTrbleMaker was a blast to meet. She was so incredibly sweet. We also got to meet @FresYes and @mikeoz, who came with his wife @tanyaoz. We met many others and there were loads more there that Chris and I didn’t even recognize!

During our conversations we came across @respres, Jeff Turner, and he showed us this great app for the iPhone called Qik. After going through the set-up of the app we can then stream live video. It will provide our Twitter followers with link in a tweet and then the viewers can start asking us questions as we are live. From what I was able to see there wasn’t a way to text the message to people but verbally answering is just fine. He had a great suggestion for us, since the videos are saved and then can be embedded or linked to, to use the video snippets as part of a weekly re-cap during our MehCast.

Absolute genius good Sir!

He was even so sweet to show us how it worked and gave Chris and I a little interview right there on the spot. In the interview we talked about our MehCast and our blog site so thank you Jeff for helping us get our name out there! We really appreciate it.

Another amazing display of Cali Love came from the couple who run Married Gamers. Every week on Saturday they do a Podcast solely about video games. Chris and I both have the Mr. (@leftybrown) on our lists and we were introduced to the Mrs, who is an Animal Crossing addict like us! Obviously we spent a bit of time discussing the game that is destroying our very lives, but we also talked about other things as well. They are going to be so awesome and so kind as to mention our blogsite/show during their Podcast that is runing today.

All in all, yesterday was a great day. It was a great day for our site, it was a great day for our show, and it was just great getting to meet our Twitter friends and making new ones in the process!

To everybody that I mentioned above, thank you so much again. We really do appreciate it and hope that someday in the future we can repay you all!

Here are some links to the sites I have been mentioning:

FresnoBeeHive :

Jeff Turner (@respres) blog – and one of MANY :

The Married Gamers site :

– She Who Has The Last Word

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